Everyone beware!!!

Today was a monumentous day in our household! In exactly 6 month from today we will have a 16 year old. So that meant that today Baxter passed the written test and has received his temps. He has to have them for 6 months before he can get his official license. He drove home from the DMV. He actually had to make a left turn on to a very busy road! I only had a very small heart attack on the way home! For the next 6 months he will be taken out by his driver ed teacher and will practice and be taught everything that he needs to know.
I really can't believe that I am that old!!! Where did the time go it seems like we just left provo! In 2 years we will have driver #2. Wait that means in 3 1/2 years Baxter will be on his mission. I don't want to think about that!!!!!