Everyone beware!!!

Today was a monumentous day in our household! In exactly 6 month from today we will have a 16 year old. So that meant that today Baxter passed the written test and has received his temps. He has to have them for 6 months before he can get his official license. He drove home from the DMV. He actually had to make a left turn on to a very busy road! I only had a very small heart attack on the way home! For the next 6 months he will be taken out by his driver ed teacher and will practice and be taught everything that he needs to know.
I really can't believe that I am that old!!! Where did the time go it seems like we just left provo! In 2 years we will have driver #2. Wait that means in 3 1/2 years Baxter will be on his mission. I don't want to think about that!!!!!
I can't believe he is that old already, man time has flown by. These kids really do grow up in the blink of an eye.
Tell Baxter good luck. I'm just glad were far away so we won't have to watch out for him while he is on the road.
Congrats Baxter! Very exciting!!!
Thanks for the heads up! We will keep a cautious eye out while on the streets...or is it sidewalks?
CRAZY! Baxter was still in Primary when we moved here and I am sure that I just moved here a year ago?
You may not be looking forward to the dating and driving years but I bet Baxter is.
Go Baxter. After you get that license and mom has given you the list of errands she needs run I'm sure the rest of the ladies in the ward can hook you up with more driving time! Nothing looks cooler than a guy with groceries and a van full of rowdy kids being dropped off at their different appointments!
YAY for Baxter!! That's right Emma they grow up too fast.
Mothers Of Preschoolers
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