Bruner Bunch

The keys to a good Marriage!

Friday, May 23, 2008

First lost tooth

Our little girl has finally lost her first tooth. She was so excited. When it started becoming loose she didn't quite know what was happening. She just kept complaining that her tooth hurt. She then went into the bathroom and came out almost in tears because her tooth was bending. Which just gives me the willies! Cassie lost it at school and they gave her a cute treasure chest to bring it home in. She was so very excited when the tooth fairy came. Now she keeps talking about all of the things that she thinks she can't eat. She is such a nut!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I guess what goes around comes around!

Here goes!


1. Gone With the Wind
2. Hope Floats
3. Finding Delancy
4. Pride and Prejudice (all 6 hours)


1. Mcdonalds
2. Delivering teeth to dentists
3. Running office for tub sales man
4. Library (my favorite surprise!)


1. Anything Mexican (especially from Mexico!!)
2. Thanksgiving Dinner
(as many of you know I am very picky about who makes it!)
3. Olive Garden
4. Applebee's oriental salad


1. House
2. Any CSI including NCIS
3. Survivor and Amazing Race
4. Cooking shows


1. Email
2. Yahoo
3. School Website
4. All the friends on my blog


1. Acapulco
2. Disney World
3. Washington DC
4. Utah


1. Disney World
2. On a Disney Cruise
3. Any place warm
4. Mexico (which will happen soon ;)


1. Ashle
2. Taylor
3. Tara
4. Jamie

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Baxter's last middle school concert!

This was the last concert for Baxter. I put these up here for you all to enjoy since we live so far away from everyone!! Baxter's band is on top and Ben under, Enjoy!! The boys would like to hear your thoughts. We are quite proud of them. For those of you who didn't know, Baxter plays the clairnet and Ben the trumpet. It was not easy to get them to get together for a picture. The other picture is of Baxter and his band teacher. She just got married this year and changed her name to Mrs. Kruse. It took quite alot because her name before was Weyrauch ( why rock). She has to be one of the best band teachers out there she really loves what she does!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Graduation Day at Last!!!

14 years ago we were doing this at BYU. Baxter was only a few months old and slept through it all. Now Baxter is 14 and his dad can no longer hold him as he is taller than his dad. After 4 years of night school Brian finally received his MBA and we all got our dad back!! It was a hard 4 years and I am very proud of Brian. He was steadfast in his school work even though it meant missing games, concerts, and other events. CONGRATULATIONS BRIAN!!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Have I failed as a mother?

Mari came up dressed like this on Saturday. Not quite sure how to tell her that it looks horrible and doesn't match. I started laughing and grabbed my camera. We eventually fixed the problem and went on with the day. I thought we were past this stage!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I found these pictures and couldn't help but put them on here. They were such cute little guys. It is amazing to me how big they have become they are no longer by little guys!! Baxter is now taller than me and his Dad and Bennett is close behind. This is just my tribute to go along with my last over a decade post! Starting from the top left is Bennett 1 year old the next one was 2. Then Baxter at age 6. Both of the boys age 1 and 3. The last picture was taken this year at their intermural basketball games that they have in the morning.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I've just read Tara's Blog and accept her Tag.

10 YEARS AGO: 1998. January- found out I was diabetic. It just didn't go away after my pregnancy with Ben. Took my awhile to accept that it was not normal to have a blood sugar over 400 even if you had just eaten an oreo. Spent the rest of the month trying to adjust to my oral medication. 
February - Brian gets offered a full paid scholarship to get his Masters and at the same time offered his dream of being able to work in Mexico.
March - An agonizing Month of trying to decide what to do.
April - Finally decided that Mexico is what we would do. So off we go to decide if I could really live there. Loved the whole trip. Also made a Baby in the process #1 child made in Mexico.
May - Second trip to Mexico to find a house. Was is in awe by how colorful the houses were. But found the perfect one.
June - Brian turns 27
July - Enjoy our very last 24th of July parade!
August - Have a garage sale, pack up our house and move to Mexico.
September - Finally move into our house after being in a hotel for way to long! Baxter starts school at 4 because that is what they do in mexico. So I put my baby on a bus with kids ages 4-17 for an hour ride across the city to go to an american school.
October - Experience our very first Halloween in Mexico.
Novemember - Trip to Orlando with me being very pregnant. My feet swelled up to the point that I only could wear flip flops. Luckily it was warm in Mexico.
December - Try to decide what to do about Mari who was breech and the Dr. would not try to turn her. Called my Dr. in salt lake who told me to fly home and she would help me. We were lucky enough to find a flight the day after christmas. So home we went. The day after we arrived Mari flipped and was delivered Jan 5 1999.
Needless to say that was one of the most memorable years of my life.

5 YEARS AGO: 2003 After Brian losing his job the year before and finding another one 2 hours away. We decided it was time to sell our house and move up north. We loved living in Aurora but the drive was killing Brian. We put our house up for sale. They came and took pictures on Monday and listed it that night. Tuesday morning we had an offer. Wed. we made an offer on a house in Kenosha and were teased for crossing the cheddar curtain.  We moved in June and closed on Brians birthday.

5 MONTHS AGO: Celebrated our 15th anniversary. Had a hectic Christmas as usual. Brian's sister Autumn spent it with us. The day after christmas we surprised the kids with a trip to the Dells. Which is an indoor waterpark. Basically geared up to start having fun with the Teenagers that would soon be entering our lives.

5THINGS ON MY TO-DO LIST: 1. Get through the rest of this week to start the bookfair next week. 2. Try to keep my house somewhat clean. 3. Keep losing weight (maybe that should be #1) 4. Pick up Brians gown as he graduates on Saturday. 5. Update my blog. 

5 SNACKS I ENJOY: coldstone icecream, pretzels, anything chocolate, licorice, hot chocolate from starbucks.

5 PLACES I'VE LIVED: Mexico City (my favorite) Naperville, Aurora, Kenosha, Provo, and Salt Lake City.

5 THINGS PEOPLE MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT ME: 1. I am a humongous Disney Fan ;) 2. I am scared to death of people falling off of high places. My heart almost stops.  3. I was a guest on Oprah (not just in the audience).  4. I actually enjoy teenagers.  5. can't think of another one.

I TAG Chris, Tanya, Lora, Alyson. Good luck

Sunday, May 11, 2008

                                                                         As I found out it was great motivation to have the ping pong table. After only 3 hours on Saturday the basement was picked up (We still have a ways to go!). But at least the table was able to be put up and enjoyed. The next want is to purchase a flat screen TV for upstairs and move existing TV downstairs so there will be a hang out place for all of the teenagers that are entering out lifes. Which I think having them here is better than the other places they can be. The idea is to turn the basement into a game room! Sounds good to me if it means I can get my kids to help clean!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Today is Friday and it is the season for Garage sales or rummage sales as they say here. As I was driving around and missing my good garage sale buddy who now lives in Virginia I came upon a much wanted item. We have been talking about getting a Ping Pong table for a few years now. We have always said that when the basement is cleaned up of all of the toys that the kids don't play with any more that we would buy one. Well I found one today for $20. Couldn't turn that down. So hopefully the idea of a ping pong table in the garage waiting to be put up will get the kids to start helping with the basement. We shall see!!!

 After much convincing the boys finally talked us into letting them buy the WI. I have to admit that is has been lots of fun and hasn't created very many fights. Brian says the best part is to listen to me and Ben argue as we are playing Lego Star Wars. I tend to get frustrated because he moves around a lot faster. Needless to say I am not a video game geru. I do however miss playing with autumn till 2 am. Over all love the WI!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What a week!

In two weeks it is the bookfair at the boys school. I had a bright idea to raise money by having a penny war during the lunch hours for this week and next. I knew that middle school kids were interesting but lunch is a whole other ball game. I think that I have had to drink more diet cokes this week than I have in a long time. Needless to say I won't be doing that again!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!