Bruner Bunch

The keys to a good Marriage!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Facials Fun and Food!



To all of my Bloggy friends out there I am having a girls night out facial party!! I would love all to come. If you can't come for reasons like.... You live out of state!!! Just too Busy!!! Will be out of town!!!! Or just don't like me all that much!!!!

Feel free to check out the website! They have some major cool items. The pictures above are before and after actually they are after and before. I had major bags under my eyes and they have a wonderful product that made it go away!!! It also has done wonders for Mari's poor dry skin. Every winter her hands and rest of her body become so red and chapped that it is really painful. Last winter she started using the body wash and it has all gone away!!!!

Let me know if you can make it!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's Next?

We have had the worst of luck lately! I keep telling Brian it is time to move! This is the longest we have ever lived anywhere and our house is starting to show it. Everything is breaking. First our Air conditioner broke.
Then we had to replace the microwave. Which was quite daunting at first considering my husband is not the best at things like that. We bought it and with the help of me and Baxter Brian succeeded in putting up the microwave. It hasn't fallen yet! Knock on wood!

Then it was the toaster which didn't cost quite as much but a pain to replace still the same. The one we had was from Mexico. The new one is not as good as that one was oh well!

Now we move on the our new fridge. We had company this weekend and were confused that our ice maker wasn't working. Then we started noticing that everything was thawing. Luckily we happen to have a fridge downstairs so we moved everything downstairs. Every day I get to hear about what a pain it is to have to go down stairs anytime anyone needs anything. We thought about not buying a new one but then realized we need two because where else are we going to put 8 gallons of milk? So off tonight to buy a new one.
Last but not least our dryer stopped working much to my disappointment and Brian's jubilation the dryer was able to be fixed so I still don't have the above dryer that I would love to have! ;(

So that makes #5. They say things come in threes. What is next to make it an even 6??? The boys (all of them) are rooting for the TV!!!