I was going through all my old emails and found this one and thought it was worth sharing even though Cassie is now 6;
Emma was driving in the car with Cassie the other day:
Cassie: "MOM! What are we going to do about my wedding dress?"
Emma: "What?"
Cassie: "My wedding dress! What are we going to do about it?"
Emma; "Well, when the time comes, we can make it."
Cassie (disgusted): "Make it?!?!?!?!"
Emma: "Or, we can buy it."
Cassie: "Where are we going to buy it?"
Emma: "In the store I guess."
Cassie: "I think I better learn how to drive first."
( a few minutes later)
Cassie: "When I have a husband, I'm going to ask him to buy me a house that's quiet."
"Oh yeah, and yellow....."
The mind of a 3 year old is amazing. The funny thing is that she still comes up with stuff just as funny now that she is 6!!!