Not all play grounds make this possible. Wheelchairs, walkers, and other devices can hinder a child from being able to play in an ordinary playground.
Chloe's Sunshine Playground is an accessible park that is tentatively planned to be built in Syracuse, UT. The playground will include features that will allow ALL children to play side-by-side, including those with special needs.
A "Scentsible" Way to Help!
Just wanted to let you know that there is another great opportunity for you to help raise money for the playground! If you love Scentsy (and who doesn't!), July is the time to buy. And Julie is the gal to buy it from! Scentsy consultant, Julie Dillman, is donating the profit of her sales for the month of July to our cause. How cool is that!
Go to her blog HERE to find out how!
Get some new scents. Buy extra for gifts. Let your friends and family know too.
Thanks everyone!!!